2016 · CHALLENGES · fffaw · Fiction · Flash Fiction · Photo Fiction

FFFAW – The Break Up


Photo Credit: TJ Paris

“I am sorry, John. I don’t love you anymore. We are done. I am breaking up with you” Emily’s text read. John was heartbroken. He frantically moved his fingers on the keypad and typed: “Why Emily? Please tell me the reason”. “I cannot imagine my life without you”.

He stared at her last texts with tear-welled eyes. His fingers fumbled into his coat pocket and fetched the gorgeous diamond ring. He stood dejected pondering over his fate, when a shriek in despair, caught his ears.

“Help me! I am drowning”.

John frantically turned towards its direction. Two hands wavering in the air with desperation caught his attention. Discarding his bag and phone; and disrobing, he jumped into the chilly water, and caught hold of her one hand; exerted all his strength and pulled her up.

She was a gorgeous woman with captivating blue eyes, high cheek bones, beautiful smile, dimpled chin and luscious red lips.

“Thanks for saving my life”

“You’re welcome. Do you believe in love at first sight?”


Word Count: 170

This is an entry for FFfAW-Week of 02-16-2016

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