2016 · MUSINGS · WRITING PROMPTS · Writing Wednesday

2016’s First Snowfall

snowLast Friday, we were blessed to experience the first snowfall of 2016. Living in Central America, we are fortunate to experience just three to five inches of snow(optimal enough to enjoy), contrary to severe snowstorms and abundant snowfall as in the northern parts of US.  In the wee hours of Friday, the snowfall started, when everyone was curled up under warm blankets, fast asleep on their beds. Waking up at 7 am, I turned on the blinds of our master bedroom window to view a gorgeous sight. Our entire front, back and side yards had turned pristine white. Little flurries of snow kept falling on the visible ground, trees, my garden and a street running across my house. Weather had plummeted to negative temperature of 30 F and it was freezing cold.

I called my office’s emergency hotline and the recorded message said “Inclement weather policy has been implemented”. Everyone in our team had carried our office laptops home on Thursday evening to work from home on Friday, as a precautionary measure. Friday morning at 8 am, I texted my director conveying to him that I planned to work from home that day. The 9am conference call was canceled. As I had no important work to do immediately, I grabbed my iPhone and ran to the front door to capture the snow pictures. I opened the front door and a gush of cold wind blew to my face, sending chill down my bones. It was freezing cold. The view was breath-taking. A white sheet of snow had enveloped my entire front yard and neighboring houses. My MIL came running to the front door, to catch a glimpse of this sight, it being her first snowfall of her life. Baby A was comfortably resting in his rocker, with a warm blanket running over him to protect him from cold. Portable heater was turned on, but it couldn’t suffice to warm up the entire breakfast area. Fireplace was turned on to keep the den warm. It was a perfect environment to curl up on the couch with a warm blanket and read a book, beside the warmth emitting fireplace. But, unfortunately, I had to complete my office work and reading a book was out of question.

Continue reading “2016’s First Snowfall”


And the sun goes down!

At 5pm today, I slowly walked into my office parking lot in the chilly weather as cold wind blew across my face, messing my hair. My freezing right hand carefully pulled my hair back and tuck it behind my ear. As I tiptoed further, the frigid weather prompted me to embrace myself with my both hands to keep myself warm against freezing temperature.

Moving further, I couldn’t help noticing the gorgeous sun “painting” the entire horizon in amber hue, as it began to descend. My hands quickly fumbled into my pea-coat pocket and grabbed the iPhone to capture this pristine sunset!

Sharing some pictures 😀